New “GNTRIFIED” Billboard Campaign Launches in Los Angeles Area

AHF’s latest billboard campaign, “GNTRIFIED”, has launched across Los Angeles. This campaign is in collaboration with two AHF affiliate organizations, Housing Is A Human Right and Healthy Housing Foundation and is an effort to raise awareness about the rental affordability and homelessness crisis, as well as the harmful effects of gentrification in the city.

Over 30 billboards and 100 bus benches across Los Angeles feature the impactful imagery of a California license plate with a shortened version of the word gentrified. The campaign calls attention to, which will provide more information about the crisis for those who want to get involved.

AHF President Michael Weinstein spoke about the campaign and AHF’s housing efforts when he stated, “The approval and construction of so many luxury developments fuel the rapid gentrification of neighborhoods throughout L.A., often at great human expense. Many developers raze existing rent-stabilized or rent-controlled housing units—and in the process, displace hundreds of low- and moderate-income tenants each year. Our elected officials, planning commissioners, and even developers must put a stop to green lighting so much luxury development.”

The overall message of the campaign aims to inform the public about the current state of the rental affordability and homelessness crisis in Los Angeles, and also hopes to urge government officials to do their part in correcting this crisis with haste.