The Brotherhood Crusade is an LA-based longtime community partner who set up COVID-19 Community Rapid Response Fund to help the underprivileged have access to necessary resources during this pandemic.
AHF contributed a $7,500 grant towards the fund to help youth, youth adults, and families in this critical time. The Fund assists them with basic living, academic, and household needs to assist their students while they are away from their schools and YouthSource Centers.
AHF President Michael Weinstein said, “It is a privilege for AHF to assist battle-tested, highly effective community organizations like the Brotherhood Crusade, a group with a fifty-year history that really walks the walk as it delivers hope, inspiration and direct services to South and East Los Angeles communities,” said Michael Weinstein, President, AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
“During these turbulent and uncertain times, particularly with school suspended nearly everywhere, it is even more important that Brotherhood has the resources and ability to adapt and pivot in their crucial mission. We are honored to bestow this grant to the Brotherhood Crusade COVID-19 Rapid Response Relief Fund.”